No Time Like The Future

Written by Jimmy Oakley

Chapter Two

Kevin woke up lying on a table, a man he had never seen before stood beside the table, writing something intently on a cilpboard.

"It doesn't seem like it affected him much. Looks like he was already injured before he went through the portal." His voice spoke to a shadowy figure on the other side of the room.

"What about those?" The figure walked into the light, Kevin could make out a blur of dark green curly hair, a pair of pursed lips and a pinstripe suit.

"I think they're tattoos. They do look pretty new though." The man's voice continued.

"Maybe he's in a gang." The tall woman spoke, lifting a finger to poke below Kevin's eyes. Kevin quickly lifted his arms to stop her, causing the lady to jump back.

"Where am I?" Kevin asked, suddenly feeling the seering pain in his head, clasping his hands to his temples as he sat up. Across from the table on the other side of the room was a mirror that sat above a sink; Kevin glanced at his reflection, bewildered at what he had seen. Under both of his eyes were three red tears, seemingly burned into his skin, he began to claw at them, attempting to wipe them off but they wouldn't fade from his skin.

"Calm down," the man spoke, "You're in the back of a cafe."

"My cafe," The woman rebuttled, "So don't throw up or anything."